Wednesday, June 4

Business Start-Up - Dream Big And Show No Fear

If you watched Will Smith in the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" he hit the nail right on the head by saying "If you want something...GO GET IT!  PERIOD." Do you have a tendency to put off projects? Have you ever dreamed of owning your own business? If so, what's stopping you? As you know tomorrow is not promised so do all your hands can do TODAY! I often wondered why people don't do more to make their life and the life of those they love more fulfilling, more meaningful. We are capable of so much more than we realize. So why haven't more people stepped out and made things happen; perhaps you can identify with one or more of these reasons. 
  1. Fear of Failure
  2. Not the right time
  3. Not enough time
  4. Don't have the money
  5. Don't have the talent
  6. Don't know where to start
  7. Family and friends would not be supportive
  8. Simply too lazy to get started 
The list gone on and on but none of the above matters. Why? Because they are all glorified excuses which will do nothing but keep you exactly where you are. Winners are Winners because they ACT rather than make excuses. The best way to get started on any project, goal, or dream is to START!  I  always wanted to start an online business but I knew nothing about building an online business; that coupled with the fact that there are hundreds of online opportunities. I had not a clue as to which one to pick or where to start and no one was around to ask or get any advice from but that did not stop me. I knew whatever I decided to do it would have to be easy enough for me to learn. I didn't know anything about building website and marketing. I knew nothing about html or any of that technical stuff. Happily I didn't need to know any of it. I found the right fit and that's what you will need to do if you decide to do what thousands are doing today...working online. There is more than enough opportunity for just have to really want it.

There are so many online business opportunities that choosing the right one for you will take time and patience. Do your do diligence and find one that meets your needs. I find Strong Future International (SFI) to be perfect for me because frankly I don't have a lot of time and I didn't have a lot of money to invest either. I also needed a work-at-home business that offered training and mentoring. I didn't want to have to figure it all out on my own or build websites and worry about codes and such. I needed something simple. That's exactly what I found with SFI. It is free to join, which I also liked because with most work-at-businesses there are normally monthly fees. There are no fees with SFI whatsoever and you do not have to spend a dime if you do not wish too, perhaps you have more time on your hands to make your business a success. Now that I'm earning I do invest in my business because I want to grow my business faster and retire early. Everyone works at their own pace and help is right at your fingertips. If you have ever wanted to start you own online business...this one might just be what you are searching for. You can work your business full-time or part-time, you are in full control. I like that.